From the determination of the graduate profile, it is possible to specify the competencies needed to carry this type of graduate profile. This tabulation is the result of discussions with professional organizations, study program associations, stakeholders, communities in need and also information from professional alumni.
Graduate Profile |
Required competencies |
Profession Opportunities |
As Creator |
- Mastery of theory, concept of composition, principles and techniques of creating musical compositions
- Understanding the human factor in karawitan art
- Having knowledge of art, mastering local and international musical traditions and culture
- Mastering musical presentation techniques
- Have leadership and decision maker skills
- Able to produce musical works
- Creative and Innovative Thinking
Interdisciplinary Collaboration Capability
- Have expertise in the artistic and aesthetic fields that support the process of creating karawitan works of art
- Mastering the Code, Regulations and construction standards that apply to the construction of an artistic environment
- Mastering computer composition applications
Understanding environmental studies and local wisdom as a support in the process of creating works
- Mastering managerial skills
Have aesthetic intuition and understanding of visual aesthetic applications in karawitan
- Understand professional ethics and professionalism
- Composer
- Karawitan Expert Consultant
- Artperfmance
- Designer
- Art Director
- Artist
As Reviewer |
- Mastery of Research Methods
- Have real problem sensitivity
- Understand the scientific mindset
- Having insight into art, mastering musical traditions and local and international culture
- Able to do musical art criticism
- Able to produce scientific writing
- Able to compile the concept of performing arts
- Researcher
- Critic
- Curator
- Consultant
- Content Creators
- Reporter
- Author
- Drafter
As Presenter |
- Mastering products and materials in Balinese karawitan
- Mastering the concepts and philosophies of traditional Balinese karawitan
- Able to compile the concept of karawitan
- Able to compile a cost estimate and technical specifications for Balinese karawitan
- Have sensitivity to problems in society.
- Understanding environmental studies and local wisdom as a support in the process of creating karawitan works
- Mastering managerial skills
- Studio manager / manager
- Professional Karawitan
- Player
Gamelan tuning
- Gamelan instrument maker