Graduate Profile

The Curriculum of the Musical Arts Study Program, Faculty of Performing Arts, ISI Denpasar, as an implementation of the vision and mission of the study program, is reflected in the graduate profiles. The profile of graduates of the Karawitan Arts Study Program has the main ability or competency as a reviewer, creator and presenter of musical art in accordance with the Indonesian National Standards for Indonesian National Standards (KKNI) 6. Reviewers who graduate from the Karawitan Arts Study Program are able to apply various theories in solving various musical art phenomena in a critical, contextual and interdisciplinary manner. The reviewer is competent as a researcher, curator, critic and musical arts consultant. Art creators who graduate from the Musical Arts Study Program are able to create musical compositions: traditional musical compositions, innovative musical compositions, contemporary music, and digital music compositions, as well as musical compositions for other purposes (dance pieces, theater, ballet, film music illustrations). Presenters who graduate from the Karawitan Arts Study Program are able to present/play works of classical, traditional, modern and contemporary styles of musical art.

Apart from these three main competencies, graduates of the Karawitan Arts Study Program also have additional competencies as Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurs. The coach acts as an instructor, teacher and trainer in musical arts. Entrepreneurs act as business managers/owners: gamelan performers and/or providers of musical art equipment/equipment; arts studio/community, both production and performance. The graduate profile referred to is attached to graduates of the Karawitan Arts Study Program with a Bachelor of Arts degree (S.Sn).

Contact Information

Dekanat Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan Institut Seni Idonesia Denpasar Jalan Nusa Indah Denpasar Timur (80235)


Monday-Friday 08:00 -16:00 WITA

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